strong supporter

美 [strɔːŋ səˈpɔːrtər]英 [strɒŋ səˈpɔːtə(r)]
  • 有力支持者
strong supporterstrong supporter
  1. To prompt broader semantic interoperability , IBM has been a strong supporter for various industry standards .


  2. I am a strong supporter of the NHS


  3. Social responsibility is the strong supporter of entrepreneur moral quality ;


  4. And so I 've always been a strong supporter of open Internet use .


  5. President Obama said he is a strong supporter of open Internet access .


  6. I 'm a strong supporter of women 's rights .


  7. She has been a strong supporter of this university


  8. The Obama administration is a strong supporter and likely to sign up soon .


  9. Let me further say that I 'm a strong supporter of the State of Israel .


  10. Jim : OSGi a great technology and BEA is a strong supporter .


  11. With the development of society and economy an efficient and scientific traffic network is needed to act as a strong supporter .


  12. Jarvis is a strong supporter of the European union .


  13. I was then a strong supporter of America 's Monroe Doctrine and the Open Door Policy .


  14. I am a strong supporter of women being able to work in the workplace and being able to make good decisions for themselves .


  15. In addition to her work on healthcare reform , she remained a strong supporter of the rights of the disadvantaged .


  16. That is why I am such a strong supporter of accelerating the expansion of the Afghan army .


  17. And although I played not very well at intramural sports , I have always been a strong supporter of women in sports .


  18. William Morris the auto industry is not only a home , he was a charity strong supporter of the cause .


  19. President Cristina Fernandez is a strong supporter and the new law is expected to bring a wave of marriages .


  20. The Gates Foundation has been a strong supporter of polio eradication , previously providing US $ 75 million in funding .


  21. China is a strong supporter and follower of inclusive growth , a concept that is consistent with our pursuit of scientific development and social harmony .


  22. Dr Ali worked very closely with the World Health Organization and was a strong supporter of WHO 's activities to strengthen the country 's health system .


  23. Mr Hashimoto is against nuclear power , Mr Ishihara is a strong supporter and once even said Japan should consider developing nuclear weapons .


  24. Q : I know a Rotarian widow whose spouse was a strong supporter of TRF . What should I do ?


  25. However , everyone on the staff-including me-is a strong supporter of Power Up and we all enjoy participating in their events when we can .


  26. UNICEF ( United Nations International Children 's Emergency Fund ) , the UN group dedicated to the well-being of children and their mothers , is a strong supporter of breast-feeding .


  27. LG , which was a strong supporter of Sony 's Blu-ray format , declined to comment on details but said the development would end the brewing controversy over the rival technologies .


  28. He is among those leaders of the ANC who believe Zuma was unfairly targeted by the prosecuting authority and is a strong supporter of the ANC president .


  29. Thomas Donnelly , of the American Enterprise Institute , a strong supporter of defence spending , points to the new Republican-controlled house of Representatives as a big factor , with scores of new members having little exposure to national security issues .


  30. In Chinese modern literary history , Lu Xun is an outstanding writer who wrote from the standpoint of female , criticizing the unjustice forced on women by the patriarchy society , thus becoming a strong supporter of women emancipation .
